Monday 14 January 2008

Trip via Train to Swansea

Friday, 11 January 2008—Trip to Swansea

I took a taxi with Brandon, my hotel roommate, to Paddington Station. The driver was very quick and got us there for less than everyone else said they paid. We took the First Great Western train from London to Swansea that departed at 10:45am. We arrived in Swansea at 1:40, a full ten minutes early. The ride was fine, nothing too eventful. However, the train doors in between cars automatically open with a bit of a whooshing sound which is most pleasant and Science Fictionesque. The train was smooth and fast, though there were about 6 stops in between London and Swansea.

Upon arrival in Swansea, the five of us had no idea where to go. So we went to the part of the sidewalk that had a Taxi sign, and we hailed a couple of them. I took off toward Hendrefoilan Student Village. I was given my assignment, House 10, Room 1, and off I went with my key and student pack. The houses are a bit odd. You walk in are immediately constricted. The halls are narrow and the doors are small. There is a bathroom with a shower right next to my room which no-one but me uses, apparently. There is another room in my little hallway, then the kitchen. The rest of the rooms and another bath are upstairs.

The kitchen has a huge booth style table and two sets of sinks and stoves in opposite corners. There is a refrigerator and a separate but equal freezer. They are stuffed with everyone’s food and there seems to be, but not yet affirmed notion of order to their organization.

My room has a desk and a shelf above it. There is only one power outlet, which is troubling, but I was wise and brought a powerstrip. There are two dressers, which seems about 1 ½ too many. That with a wardrobe without hangers and a low, springy bed makes my room. Oh, and there is a sink in the corner. Not too exciting, but it is everything I need.

I took a walk to campus to check it out. It was all downhill and took about 30 minutes. The campus is alright, nothing spectacular. The architecture seems to have no theme or impetus, but it serves its purpose. There is also a lot of construction going on for new buildings which from the looks of it, don’t bother trying to tie the rest of campus together either.

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