Tuesday 25 March 2008

So much to say, so little time

Internet time is limited.  Sophia brought her computer, and that Alice has an i-touch I-pod, so that is the internet we get when we can get a wireless signal.  And that is not necessarily often, I assure you.  So I have it now while Sophia is in the shower.  We are in Avignon, and we just got here.  The nice folks of the train industry are on strike, apparently, and nobody decided to tell us when we were on the train from Bordeaux to Arles, then Arles to Avignon.  This is important because the Arles to Avignon was cancelled due to the strike.  We had to rush to try to get reservations on a night train to Strasbourg, Germany that happened to have a brief stop at Avignon two hours later than we expected to be there.  So we played Euchre, the Indiana speciality, and waited for the train.  We are now in Avignon, seat of the Papacy for some time in the medieval ages.  

Yesterday in Bordeax was okay.  I only say this because Peerman booked our hotel extremely outside the city limits of Bordeaux.  We stayed in a hotel about 25 Euros in a taxi only worth away from the train station, Gare de St. Jean.  Also, we were there on a Easter Monday, a holiday that the French apparently hold as dear as their right to strike, because nothing was open until 6pm, where we found a French pizzeria that was open for 3 hours on holidays. It was pretty good, with more selections of pizzas than I could have dreamed of.  Also, we got to walk through a couple of miles of the countryside in search of this place, and it was thoroughly beautiful.  I can only imagine how utterly gorgeous it is during the spring, when the acres upon acres of vineyards are in bloom.  

Today, however, and the reason for Peerman and I nearly missing the only train to Avignon, is that we sought a sight in the city of Bordeaux. We knew from my guidebook that there was a gothic Cathedral that had a bell tower that reached 66 meters to the sky, and we had 1/2 and hour to find it.  Since there was only one train at 2:30pm, and by the time we got to the train station and had our tickets it was 12:3opm, we had two hours to explore the city (again thanks to Peerman for the great locale on the hotel, at least it wasn't too expensive)  The girls (Sophia and Alice) took the first shift of exploring, whilst Peerman and I guarded our luggage.  When it was our turn, we had 40 minutes until the train left, and high ambition.  We saw the spire from afar, and he and I started walking toward it eating the kebabs the girls had purchased.  We found it in 20 minutes.  We spend maximum of 2 minutes at the church, pictures to follow.  We had to run back. We got on the train, after frantically finding the platform (the girls had already gone there, without telling us) we jumped onboard as the conductor's whistle blew.  They were mad at us, and we were sweating and laughing at our luck.  If we had turned down one of the wrong winding medieval streets, we would have been sulking in Bordeaux all night.  Luckily, Peerman and I are the masters of adventure.  And also, luckily, the girls were responsible enough to carry our bags for us to the platform and load it to the train and allow us to jump on at the last possible second.   Much more to come.  Nice, Venice, Poland, and Greece to follow.  

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Perugia, Rome, Florence, Paris

The internet has been hard to come by in a free manner, so now that I have a moment of free internet via the Hotel Balladins (a very not in Paris Parisian hotel), I'll take a few to write some updates.  

I flew into Perugia International Airport, which consisted of 2 gates.  We were the only plane for the day, so it wasn't too crowded.  I had my passport inspected, then went on to find the airport shuttle had told me about previously.  The man spoke no English, which made it interesting.  There was a very crazy looking pseudo-hippy going too, I am fairly sure he talked his way out of paying.  He was thickly and longly bearded, and spoke English and Italian, so he made sure I got to the Piazza Italia.  Jay was waiting for me, and we were on our way.  

The city of Perugia is the capital of the Perugia region, and it is on top of a very large hill.  The streets are very winding and narrow.  There seems to be no easy way to get anywhere, and after three days I was always surprised when we ended up back at Jay's flat.  The views were beautiful, the buildings very old, and the food was delicious.  Jay picked a very good place to live for 4 months.  

The next day, Saturday, Jay and I went early to Rome to pick up Sophia.  She didn't want to make the 3 hour train-ride by herself, and understandably so.  On our way up, there were roughly 12 drunk and still drinking (at 9am) soccer fans.  They were wearing various hats and wigs, and did not stop singing Italian songs for the duration of the journey.  The entire 3 hours.  Seriously.  

Sophia says we have to go see Paris right now.  Right now.  So I'll get back on later tonight and write some more about it all.  Leave me a comment.  

Thursday 13 March 2008

My Spring Break Plan

14. March: Fly to Perugia

15. Perugia

16. Perugia

17. Perugia to Florence

18. Florence, day trip to Pisa then to Milan

19. Milan, to paris by night Start Ross’ Rail Pass

20. Paris

21. Paris

22. Paris to Brittany Peerman arrives, perhaps Fly into Dinard

23. Brittany, night in Rennes

24. Renne to Bordeax

25. Bordeux to Avignon

26. Nice

27. Nice

28. Bologna

29. Venice

30. Venice Sophia leaves for Greece, we leave for Poland through Czech republic

31. Poland Poland night train to Amsterdam

  1. April: Amsterdam
  2. Brussels, night to Florence
  3. Perugia, might not need hostel if we stay with Jay
  4. Rome
  5. Rome to Bari
  6. Bari to Greece
  7. Greece End Ross Rail Pass
  8. Greece
  9. Greece
  10. Greece
  11. Greece
  12. Ferry to Italy, long time on a boat
  13. Fly back to UK


Extreme business has prevailed for the last few weeks. I have had Jay and Peerman over for a while, we had adventures, then they left. Then I had two sizable papers to complete, which I naturally procrastinated on due to the presence of my dear guests. But alas, the time for my wicked awesome trip to Italy, France, Poland, Germany, Belgium and Greece starts in 3 hours. That is right folks. I leave from Swansea to London at 8:30pm, arrive in London at 11:50pm. I walk two miles to the bus station, where I take the bus to Stansted airport at 2am. I arrive there at 3:30am, then wait for 3 hours to board my plane for Perugia, Italy. That is where Jay is studying for the semester. So at 11am, I will meet him in the city's center and start my spring break. Sophia will have her computer, so I will do my best to keep you posted. Also, let it be known that all my clothes and supplies fit into a common ordinary backpack and a small collapsible duffel bag.

Sophia and I will meet up with Peerman and Alice in France in about a week. I am eager and slightly nervous. But isn't nervousness simply specific excitedness? I should think so. Sleep for the next 36 hours will likely be neglected, but if Wabash has taught me anything, it is how to function on little or no time in bed. Cheers!